I spent years thinking about which pieces of gym equipment to purchase if I ever built a home gym. I wanted to build the greatest gym with the limited amount of space that I had to work with. My dream was to have a place where myself and others could come in, work hard, and get the most out of the equipment available. Along with a solid music playlist and good vibes, Illuminati Iron is an escape from all the negative energy surrounding our world today. Through the highs and lows of life, the gym’s convenience of being 10 steps away has been clutch!

I invested in quality equipment that would last and, thus far, the equipment is in pristine condition and keeps up with demanding training volume and frequency! If you ever decide to invest into a home gym, I highly recommend you choose equipment that will last. Cheaply made gym equipment starts to fall apart quickly and it ends up becoming more of a headache. You don’t need to buy the most expensive equipment, but make sure to do your research and find the company/brand that takes pride in delivering quality at a fair price!

Below is a list of every piece of equipment we have in the gym:
Rogue RML-490 (landmine, matador, safety straps, wall ball target, X43-M crossmember)
Rogue Black Training Plates
Rogue Adjustable Bench
Rogue Plyo Box
Rogue Echo Bike
Rogue Weight Tree
Body-Solid Seated Calf Machine
Rogue Reverse Z-Hyper
Rogue T-Bar Row
Kettlebell Kings KBs
Onnit Storm Trooper KB
Rogue Urethane Dumbbells (5-50 lbs)
Rogue Dumbbell Rack
Tuff Stuff CXT Cable Trainer
Rogue 9-Bar Holder
Rogue Deadlift Jack
Mutt Bar (66 lbs)
Fit Map
Rogue Operator Barbell
Rogue Westside Power Barbell 2.0
Elite FTS Safety Squat Barbell
Titan Yukon Barbell
Rogue Curl Barbell
Arm Blaster
Foam Rollers
Regupol Flooring (3/8″ Thickness)

Many people purchase equipment thinking that it will do the exercise for them! Like anything, the gym will give back as much as you put into it. Everything at Illuminati Iron isn’t an essential, but we use it every single day and reap it’s benefits when we can! I decided to go big AND go home.

Home gyms aren’t for everybody, but if you’re looking to take your fitness to the next level or you’re simply tired of public gyms… I can’t think of a better investment. Illuminati Iron has brought an invaluable amount of joy and productivity to myself and many others. Timing is everything and I had to save up for quite some time, but I’m very happy I took the plunge and excited to still be using much of the same equipment in 20 years from now. When the time is right for you… PULL THE TRIGGER.

Been checking you out online and watching your videos. Might have even spent some time checking out your swag.
Proud of you buddy. Looks like you are getting after it and you continue to fire me up.
Keep grinding.